Donate Wood

Mu Mushrooms gladly accepts donations of freshly cut logs from homeowners, landowners, treecare professionals and land managers. We’re looking for freshly cut wood from certain species of healthy living trees, at certain times of the year. In exchange for donations, depending on availability and our schedule, we may able to provide donors with a portion of the same wood inoculated with mushroom spawn in return. For any companies who wish to donate, we will gladly list you on our partners page.

We only source wood that is being cut for legitimate management reasons. We will not accept trees that are cut down solely for the purpose of growing mushrooms. Please see our philosophy page for more on this.

We can pick up wood! Please see the guide below to see what we’re looking for, and please contact us if you have wood you’d like to donate or if you have questions. We thank you immensely for your generosity!

Types of Wood:

Our most sought after: Oak, Sugar Maple, Cherry, Aspen, Box Elder, Cottonwood, Willow
Also highly valued: Sweet Gum, Alder, Blue Beech, Hornbeam, Hackberry, Mulberry, Tulip, Yellow Poplar

Sizes of Wood:

Ideally 3-8 inches in diameter, cut 3-4 feet long. We will accept logs outside of this range however, depending on the log!

When We Accept Donations:

Late winter to early spring (February through April)
Early fall to late fall (mid September through late October)

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